Saturday, May 12, 2007

"On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero."

Please do not think that because there are no words written lately, that life has slowed or that I do not remain thought-filled and awestruck. As you can imagine, things are nuts at this time of the year. Goodbyes, "last this" and "last that" and emotions go beyond words. I walk the halls at work, as if in a dream sometimes, my mind racing and my emotions so close to the surface - so close that they can be summoned at the least little memory or thought. But in the end - it is all good and tells me how deeply I am in love and in touch (although in a crazy way).

I thought that my weekend would be filled with work for upcoming work events but things are not ready for me to do the work needed so I find myself with a "free" Saturday.

In "Fight Club", my favorite movie, the film rails against the corporate world and jokes about living on "Planet Starbucks". For me, Starbucks has been this yuppie symbol that I have too tightly embraced. It was at Starbucks that I initially and faithfully read "The Irresistible Revolution" and wept while reading about the poor and dredging up old community memories. It was at Starbucks that I met friends to discern what in the world I was going to do with my life. And it was at Starbucks early this morning that I sat and read Merton and Nouwen's words about solitude, compassion and zen. God uses everything. God blurs the lines between the secular and the sacred. God uses, even my caffeine addiction and support of huge corporations to teach me. Crazy how God is. (BTW - Don't see "Fight Club" on my recommendation. Chance are you'll be offended and see too much about my warped personality!)

So I have been thinking about the search for God. I focus my gaze beyond and across the continents. I search for God in the disguise of the poor and the humble. I search for God in bread and wine. I look to the wise ones who have gone before us and have taken their words as mine. I look to the flower petals and the fingerprints and solar system and morning breeze. I looked to quantum physics and heart beats. I find awe in bird nest and starlight. As I venture to the other side of the earth, I am convince that God is not to be found there any more than God is to be found so close to me that I cannot see God - only know God's presence in you, in me. I need to wake up. When I stop looking - - God disappears.