Some more connections (possibilities) were brought to me again today - some local, some a good distance away. There is talk that Franciscans International is considering opening an office in Thailand. I am also scheduled to talk with Andrew about Kenya. All of these bigger possibilities remind me of a warning I received early on "Avoid the heroic, it is usually ego". It is difficult to figure out what is me "building my tower" and what is me trying to be faithful to the Gospel. I am not sure that I have ever done anything without ulterior motives. If I started thinking about it, I wouldn't do anything. I guess I need to give that away too!
It is not false humility to say that the decisions I am trying to make are not courageous. They may look like it on the outside but I think that courageous acts are made by people who, while being afraid, stepped out and triumphed over their fear. I haven't had the experience of fear in all of these months and with all of these decisions. Another gift eh?