Saturday, July 26, 2008

Traveling a lot to Nairobi

After a great week at the Village I traveled back by Matatu to Nairobi to meet the three volunteers arriving at the airport on the 24th. They are from various parts of the U.S.and will work for one year at the Village. We are doing an orientation program that included teaching methods, Swahili, HIV/AIDS education and an orientation to Kenyan security and safety. Eric is doing the classes, I am observing and joining in when I can provide a context from the Village. I had originally thought of spending the entire week here in Karen but will probably head to the Village on Tuesday. The new volunteers will come next Sunday, the 3rd.

Back at the Village we have had many visitors which have become my responsibility. A group of students from the US came for a day and a night. Sleeping arrangements, food and connecting them to the appropriate people to talk and learn from was my job. I think things went well but I am exhausted. I had/have a bit of a bug we couldn't get a handle on but since I have been in Nairobi, I received some antibiotics and feel much better. Part of the problem is that Nairobi is very cold and damp these days. My ailments felt like strep. Who knows but I am feeling much better now and have just a little cold.

There have been some vehicle accidents, not involving me but involving my friends at the Village and the Children's Home.
one of the trucks rolled recently on a dirt road. No one hurt but the truck damaged. Two friends on the back of a motorbike went down on a dirt road. A head gash and some scrapes were all the resulted. The driver, a friend was hurt a little worse but will recover. Thirdly, a mom from the cottages who I befriended last year was in a matatu accident with her daughter. She has a bad head injury and a dislocation but three others in the matatu, including the driver, were killed. Travel in Nairobi can be hazardous.

Jeremy Hunt, benefactor of the school in the Village will come to visit us on the 1st of August. He is a Member of Parliament in London. I have emailed a couple times but we have never met face to face.

That is all for now. I want you to know how much I am enjoying the Village these days. It feels more like home than ever. I miss the US, the family and my friends but am so happy here - thanks for your support. I am continuing to work on a list of needs. So many have asked what I would need here. I'll repeat some of the things I would like to do:

Chairs for the library
Soccer Shoes and Shin Guards
Scout Uniforms
A Block making machine
Some Essential Medications for the Village
Solar for the Administration Building
The Masai Project - See
Thanks for any and all donations to IHM Mission Fund. I promise to use the money wisely. E