Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sunday Treasure

Today we had a mass at the Nyumbani Children's Home. It was a great celebration as usual but the songs made me long for the Village. The readings were those about the Kingdom and treasure. Ah yes, I remember - the kingdom. The Kingdom is the reason for it all - to experience life in the Kingdom - now, but not yet . . . . here but not here yet. That is what I want, I remind myself. The Kingdom, as I was taught, is where God is King - not me. So I try today to relinquish control of my need to be in control, to be god, to be king. It's not that easy. I want quick answers, quick fixes. But I look again, around me, inside of me and realize I am close to the Kingdom and I renew my desire for it, for God.

I went to a very nice brunch with the WorldTeach folks as well as a friend Thomas who works in international development and with the UN. He is wise and has lived in Kenya for about 5 years. He has a ton of knowledge and experience in Africa - knowledgeable of Somalia, Tanzania, Kenya. It was a great meal in a beautiful British homestead.

Tomorrow, the WorldTeach guys go to the US Embassy to hear information on security and safety in the country. They'll talk with a guy from USAID, one of the funding mechanisms for the Children's Home and the Village. I think I will stay back and prepare to return to the Village on Tuesday. I may take a trip with George and Philip to the border of Kenya and Tanzania on Friday and Saturday. I'll head to the Village with Pascal and work on computers and setting up the lab for the school. Pascal is the IT guy for the Children's Home and Village. He hopes to network the computers (7 of them) at the Village. It is always a good time when Pascal comes to visit.

That's is about it for this trip to Nairobi. The visit was worth the rough ride here and I think it was wise to welcome the new volunteers, make some connections and bring them personally to the Village. They have no idea what awaits them - the lifestyle, the difficulties, the lack of water and sanitation but also they have no idea of the joy associated with the children and the grandparents. I can't wait to see how they react. It could be a long year for them or the best year of their lives. More to come!