Monday, July 28, 2008

A Paradox

"God is the only one we can surrender to without losing ourselves. It's a paradox.

When Jesus says those who lose their life will find their life and those who let go of their life will discover their life, obviously he's talking about life in a different way than you and I experience it.

We think life is the thing that we've got to protect. He's saying, No, the true self needs no protection: It just is." ROHR

I have been trying to lose myself - and at the same time find myself in the giving it all away. Now that there are not all that many possessions remaining for me, now it is a question of giving ME, my time, my energy, my love and my will. It is a paradox - that in the giving it away, I am filled and continue to have an abundance. We cannot be outdone in generosity and mercy - I've tried.