Friday, February 1, 2008

Email I sent from Kitui Earlier this week

I cant even think of leaving Africa - my heart is so torn. It was difficult to leave IHM but I knew things would be ok with the kids and I would return in six months. At the village - - I am not so sure. I have fallen in love with the kids, the grandmothers and many of the workers here. Their pain is real and I have come to share some of it. My hope is that Zac can still come - if things dont escalate, and maybe experience some of the beauty of this country and the people. I'll share one little story of goodness of the kids. Lucy is 14. She celebrated a birthday a week or so ago. I remembered and bought her a warm Fanta Soda from Kitui. I gave it to her older brother to give to her with my best wishes. Kids cant get soda here! And there were no presents. When John (another volunteer) and I went to their house to sing Happy Birthday - (a new song for them) Lucy invited us in, got two plastic cups and brought out the soda I had given her. She filled both cups, emptying the bottle. For me and for John, nothing for herself. "Visitors are a gift from God. Welcome and thank you!" That is the kind of goodness I see every day, each evening when I walk the village. How can I not be grateful for this!!!!

My thanks to those who have contributed to this journey with prayers and financial support. You cant believe the inpact you have made on the village, the orphanage and the slum programs. I will never be able to repay you for your generosity and allowing me the opportunity to live out this dream.
I am writing this in a little shack-like building with an internet phone connection in the town of Kitui - about 30 minutes from the village. I hope to go to Nairobi tomorrow, if the roads and violence are ok. In Nairobi maybe I can catch up on emails and my journal.

Is this week superbowl??? Hope the Bengals are in it! Here in Kenya it is the African World Cup Soccer. We listen to the games - in Swahili though!

Thanks to all - especially Pat, Kathy, Karen, The Torbecks and all the many who continue to write and pray for me and for Kenya!