Friday, September 7, 2007

Nyumbani Means Home

The flight from Lonon to Nairobi was interesting and now it is over - good. I went through some air/car/altitude sickness but feel much better after some sleep. It is amazing how much I felt like I was coming home when we were driving from the airport. The sights, sounds and smells were so familiar and then arrival at the orphanage in Karen (Nairobi) I felt right at home an fell quickly to sleep for four hours in my little temporary home/dorm room! Great to see the staff and the kids. Sr. Julie an Joseph (one of the drivers) picked me up at the airport and then gave me space to rest - which I needed desperately.

Tomorrow is the anniversary of Nyumbani. Big celebrations planned - so a great time to arrive. I wont go to the Village in Kitui until Tuesday evening. I'll have some time to get acclimated in Africa, pick up some water and hopefully a phone.

Not much else to report other than I made it here safely. Good things continue to happen for me - inside and out. I remain grateful an excited. Continue to pray for me an the kids here, especially Ken - a little guy I met last visit who is struggling.