Friday, February 2, 2007

South Africa?

I got some positive emails from some friends of mine who are on the lookout for good places for me to land and begin a new career. Richard and John have some Franciscan connections for me to explore in Johannesburg. Gareth is looking in South Africa as well. A Sister of Notre Dame wrote to me inviting me to investigate the SNDs International Missions in Lima or Nairobi. She saw the news article and had worked with my daughter when she was involved in AmeriCorps after college. I have also been hearing frequently from a good Episcopal priest friend in NYC who has South African connections, even Bishop Desmond Tutu. Thanks Steve. There are quite a few local contacts to explore as well. It is an exciting time and I am grateful for everyone's concern and help. There is no shortage of locations in which to plant myself!

You may want to check out Gareth's blog. He is a friend I made in New Mexico and I continue to be impressed by his wisdom - at such a young age.

I wasn't prepared for the emotional moments at my work. I was told that they would be coming but I was surprised all the same. I am moved by the sweetness of people and often find tears so close to the surface. It is not a bad thing - understandable - but maybe just a little embarrassing when they show up at inopportune times. I am so happy for the weekend - catch up on some work and take some of these connections to heart and to prayer.