Wednesday, January 17, 2007

What in the world am I doing?

It has been a crazy ride for the past few months. It is mid January and I have made the irrational decision to leave my great job in education to somehow connect with the poor and those struggling to live a meaningful life. It is awesomely exciting but not at all scarey. Perhaps that will come but certainly not now and for that I am grateful. Beginning in the summer of 2006, Chris and I traveled all over Italy and parts of Switzerland (Chris thinks it was Sweden) and it was during that time that maybe God found an opening. Funny how nature can do that. Shortly after our return I read a book - The Irresistable Revolution by Shane Claiborn (read at your own risk) While I sipped Starbucks I read about following Jesus in a real way. Things came alive and I woke up. I read and read and began to talk to some key people to prove to myself that I was not crazy. Thanks Erik, RR, Kathleen, Kathy, Becky, Chris, Bob, Gareth, my kids and everyone else who would listen. Five days in New Mexico helped to solidify my desire and so I made the break and told the folks at work that I would be leaving - but I have nowhere to go. I am looking at local and global connections. Everything is on the table. Anyone want to buy a cool condo - cheap. I have about 4 months to figure out where I can work before the paychecks stop. But still - no fear. "The opposite of faith is not doubt, it's fear." And so I try to stick with faith. TBC