Friday, January 26, 2007

Everything is grace

Well, as expected, things become more difficult in leaving my job. The decision is the right one (I am confident) but my only hesitation and sadness is in leaving good people and great kids. It hits me every now and then - in moments I don't expect. I try to rest in the fact that if God has a plan for me, there must also be a plan for this great place. It is truly my only concern at this point. I know that things will go on - bigger and better - but I am also aware of the amount of work it will take on the part of those who remain here at work. I sometimes feel like I am abandoning those closest to me. I have always seen my primary job as working to make sure that others are free to "do their job" and not be bogged down with details and all the other minutia. Sometimes that works better than others. Prayer is so necessary for me these days - like no other time. I can honestly say that I look forward to the quiet, prayerful minutes I can find throughout the day. I hope that this excitement and longing lasts. Still no word on what I will be doing. I keep putting out the "feelers" to places, people and organizations. I know the right place will come. I am grateful for the grace given to be so confident.