Saturday, May 10, 2008


I continue to be torn as to where I will work when I return to Kenya. The time is nearing to make some decisions on flights and timetables. I have even begun yet another list of what to bring, what to do before I return. I have one more series of HEP A and B shots and need to get the malaria meds and some Cipro. I also have a list of stuff that I need to bring - many of the things on the list were actually left in the village for the staff and future volunteers. I need another flashlight, some shorts, mosquito net, etc. I also should probably get my glasses checked. They are a mess.

George emailed to tell me that I was discussed at the last Nyumbani staff meeting. He was told that I'll be returning in June. Hmmm. I hadn't realized I had made the decision. There is a need for a Volunteer Coordinator. There's a slew of new volunteers coming to the Village in July. I have been emailing people from WorldTeach - an organization that will be sending teachers to Nyumbani Village in July. I would like to be there before they arrive. I also got a letter from a good Kenyan friend saying he needs me full time in another project closer to Nairobi. Who knows? Both are good options.

More soon.