The inspection on the houses are tomorrow. I am assuming they will go well and things will be finalized for the closing on the 27th of this month. Now it is all about getting the furniture etc. moved out to friends and relatives. I hope to spend my last week in the country at my mom's. The cell phone goes off on the 13th - just so ya know.
I am also looking forward to getting some relief from the heat! Nairobi temps have been around 70 degrees in the day and 50 at night. Nairobi is a higher altitude. I know it will be hotter in the village in the months to come. This heat and lack of rain is good practice!
Sr. Mary, the Director of Nyumbani, wrote to congratulate me on the sale of the house. She will be traveling in various countries fundraising when I arrive. She will spend a couple months away, ending up in Washington D.C.
More to come.