Saturday, April 21, 2007

Looking Back - Palm Sunday

I was fortunate to be able to be present at the Nyumbani Children's Home for the Palm Sunday celebration. We began outside, after the children has swept the drive area. The palms were blessed and we processed into the daycare, where liturgy was held. Great singing, the children did the readings. I was introduced at the end of the mass as a headmaster of a huge school in the United States. I was welcomed to return for a longer visit. After mass, a young Kenyan woman set up some speakers and a CD player. The music begins and about 20 children dance to contemporary Christian music. Very cool. One song I caught and dance along with them "God's given me a window and I'm beginning to see the light!" How true. I ordered the CD when I returned to the states. The music and dancing continued all afternoon. It was then that I met Simon, a pilot from British Air who would "bump me up to 1st Class" on my return flight from Nairobi to London. Very nice. Bristish Airway does a lot of volunteer work at Nyumbani. In fact, some of the flight attendants and crew had spent time volunteering there on one of their layovers. Simon, who lives in London, goes to Nyumbani quite often.

That evening I met once more with Sr. Mary who cautioned me not to make any decisions until I returned home and got some space from Kenya. She then headed off to an 8 day retreat. I said my goodbyes and was driven to the airport. Interesting how sad I was to leave. Good people, good place. I will return soon.