Thursday, April 5, 2007

Looking Back - Day 2

Tuesday March 27

I arrived at Gatwick in the morning, got through Customs and got my bags. Then it was on the train to Victoria to store my suitcase for the day so I would be free to roam around. I headed for Buckingham Palace. For all my visits to London, I had never witnessed the changing of the guard. Today I did. I also walked around the West End theatre district to see what was playing. I’ll look for tickets on my return. I also headed for the British Museum of Art. They had an exhibit of modern painters – Seurat, Picasso, Monet, Cezanne, Van Gogh and more. I saw so many of the paintings we have as prints for Fine Arts Week, including the Sunflowers, Picasso’s Child and Dove, The Chair, Seurat Water scenes, and more. It was a great surprise. I hit the Internet CafĂ© and shot home some emails to Chris and kids.

I had never flown through Heathrow. I took the Tube to the airport and waited at a coffee shop until my line was called. Lots and lots of impatient people waiting for their planes and connections. It was hot and dirty and late. On the British Airways (BA) plane I sat next to Paul, a Kenyan and pastor who was returning from Washington state. We was a Pentecostal preacher who had once worked for CitiBank and given it up to “preach the Gospel” We talked about the works of the Spirit and his journey. We exchanged emails. He wants to keep in touch and help me out when I am in Kenya, He was an interesting man, flashy suit and two-tones pointy shoes. Nice guy, Paul. How do I end up in these places with thoughtful people like Paul? I figure out that God is guiding this adventure.