Saturday, November 3, 2007


It was great, as always to get email from my family, Chris, Richard, Mickie and friends back home. Richard is giving a retreat in the states and a Baptist couple flew from Kenya to attend. I am looking forward to meeting them sometime during my stay in Africa. Everyone else is doing well back home, including my mom and the kids. I'll contact them as always today (Sunday afternoon) before football starts.

Things are waking up slowly here in Nairobi. We worked last night and I continue to read each night - which will suprise many know know I don't read much. Today there is mass at the Childrens Home and maybe a trip downtown or to the Masai Market, not far from here in Karen, The kids wake up at 5 minutes til 5AM on school days, a llittle later on the weekends. Morning medications need to be given at 6AM and the kids need to eat something before that. This is followed by chores, sweeping, getting clothes ready for school etc. There will be time to dance and play after the 10:00 mass.

So - back home you all get an extra hour for Daylight Savings Time. I always loved that - maybe not so much in the spring! But it makes you wonder what could be done if we were given only one additional hour to live - who would I call? Who would I email? Who would I hug and tell I love them? It may take over an hour. So - here is my added hour of life (even though we don't add it in Kenya). A time to tell you I love you and am grateful for everything you have been and are to me.