Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Primary School Opens in Kitui

I am investigating communication methods that could be used to contact the states from Kitui. There is apparently cell access but I am discovering that the service is costly (when purchased via a U.S. provider.) It is recommended that I get a cheap phone and prepay minutes once I am in Nairobi. I am also looking at the possibility of a Blackberry, although there is still a hefty fee. This would allow me to email and surf the net via cell phone - when I can get a charge. No electricity remains a new issue for me.

The opening of the Hotcourses Primary School was held at the Nyumbani Village, Kitui, on Monday May 7th 2007. Primary School was held at the Nyumbani Village, Kitui, on Monday May 7th 2007. The chaplain and community members gave the school their blessing, whilst 51 children assembled in their classes from Standard 1 to 4. Not wanting to be left out, the 3 1/2 year olds presented themselves for school too so an impromptu nursery class was created on the spot! The school was built from bricks made by the community members and it will be run by the 5 teachers employed so far. The school is expected to grow rapidly as the village takes in more children daily. I was able to visit the buildings in March - mere shells - so they have come a long way!

A link to Hotcourses Foundation and more information regarding the school and its funding can be found here. Or look at LATEST NEWS at http://www.hotcoursesfoundation.org/