Sunday, October 7, 2007


And so it is Sunday, and I am looking for faith - at least the size of a mustard seed. Who does not struggle with meaning, matters of faith, relationships, disparities in life? There are times when nothing makes much sense and I am left with no understanding about why life works as it does, or the fairness of it all. The one constant that seems to remain though, is Love. Love makes sense, fills the voids, conquers all. No wonder Jesus takes so much time in describing it. I am trusting that Love, which I can feel, desire, long for and try to give away - is really a trust, desire and longing for the Divine. If God is Love, (which I am convinced God is) - then my search for God is really a search for Love and a search for the flow of that love between human beings and God. I have found it here in Kenya, but I also know that I found it back where I began.